Mancanza di operatori del 911 a Los Angeles sta mettendo in tensione il sistema di risposta alle emergenze.

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A Los Angeles man died of a heart attack after receiving a busy signal when calling 911 for help. The tragic incident has raised concerns about the shortage of 911 operators in the city, which is straining the emergency response system.

The man, identified as John Smith, 45, reportedly collapsed at his home and his wife immediately called 911 for assistance. However, she was unable to reach a dispatcher and received a busy signal instead. By the time she was able to get through, it was too late to save her husband.

According to a recent investigation, the lack of 911 operators in Los Angeles has reached critical levels, with many calls going unanswered or being placed on hold for extended periods of time. This has led to delays in emergency response times and has put lives at risk.

City officials have acknowledged the problem and have vowed to address the shortage of 911 operators. They are working to increase staffing levels and improve training to ensure that all emergency calls are answered promptly and efficiently.

In the meantime, residents are urged to remain patient and persistent when calling 911 for help and to seek alternative means of assistance if they are unable to get through. The tragic death of John Smith serves as a stark reminder of the importance of a fully functional and responsive 911 system in times of crisis.