Israele Hamas: la comunità ebraica dell’Upper West Side cerca risposte in mezzo a una guerra mortale – WABC

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Title: New York City holds vigil to support Israel and condemn Hamas’ actions

New York – In a show of solidarity with the nation of Israel and to condemn the ongoing aggression attributed to Hamas, the Christian Cultural Center, one of the largest churches in the United States, organized a vigil in Brooklyn, New York City. The event aimed to express support for Israel and denounce the indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by Hamas.

Hundreds of individuals from different faiths and backgrounds gathered at the Christian Cultural Center on Sunday, to offer prayers for the safety and well-being of Israelis affected by the conflict. The participants held signs expressing their message of peace and unity among nations.

Throughout the day, attendees listened to various religious leaders who emphasized the importance of promoting coexistence, unity, and respect for human life. Many speakers condemned Hamas for its provocative actions, including the launching of thousands of rockets indiscriminately towards Israeli cities, endangering the lives of innocent civilians.

The vigil was welcomed by members of the Jewish community, who saw it as a demonstration of solidarity and a call for peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, expressed his gratitude to the Christian Cultural Center and all those who attended, highlighting the significance of unity among different religious communities during difficult times.

This event also aimed to counteract the growing incidents of anti-Semitism observed recently in different parts of the world. In the past month, hate crimes targeting Jewish establishments have increased worldwide, allegedly triggered by the intensification of hostilities in the Middle East. Participants at the vigil reiterated the importance of combating hate and discrimination, emphasizing that violence has no place in any society.

Despite the heavy rain, which did not deter the attendees, the event concluded with a candle lighting ceremony. Each lit candle represented hope, unity, and prayers for peace in the Middle East. The positive spirit and determination of those present demonstrated their unwavering desire to put an end to the conflict and support a brighter future for Israel.

Several political leaders, including local city council members, attended the vigil, expressing their solidarity with Israel and their commitment to denounce any form of aggression against innocent lives. The participants hoped to send a clear message that the international community must continue working together towards achieving a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In the face of ongoing violence and destruction, the vigil organized by the Christian Cultural Center served as a reminder that unity, interfaith dialogue, and peaceful protests remain pillars in times of adversity. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to advocating for peace, justice, and the well-being of all people affected by the tragic events in the Middle East.

As the evening sky darkened, the attendees silently dispersed, carrying the message of compassion, solidarity, and a strong desire for everlasting peace.

Note: The content of the article has been adapted and translated from the original source provided.