Lettori rispondono: PSU impegnata a contenere i costi degli studenti

Fonte dell’immagine:https://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/2024/04/readers-respond-psu-committed-to-containing-students-costs.html

PSU committed to containing students’ costs

Portland State University has been making efforts to keep costs down for its students. As part of these efforts, PSU has frozen tuition rates for the third year in a row, making it the only public university in Oregon to have done so.

The university also recently announced a new initiative to provide free textbooks to low-income students beginning next fall. This program is expected to save students hundreds of dollars each year.

In addition to these measures, PSU has increased its financial aid budget by 20% in order to help more students afford their education. The university has also expanded its scholarship offerings and created new partnerships with local businesses to provide more opportunities for students to work and earn money while attending school.

Overall, PSU is dedicated to ensuring that cost is not a barrier for students seeking a higher education. These efforts are much appreciated by students and families, who see them as making a significant difference in their ability to attend college.