C’è un divieto di bruciare in Georgia?

Fonte dell’immagine:https://www.11alive.com/article/news/state/georgia-burn-ban/85-7dc8074e-26a1-4fb0-a30b-b89820588e7a

The title of this news story is “Restrictions on burning in Georgia due to drought conditions.” The Georgia Environmental Protection Division has initiated a ban on outdoor burning in 44 counties across the state. This measure is in response to the unusually dry conditions which have increased the risk of wildfires.

The ban includes all outdoor burning such as bonfires, trash burning, and yard debris burning. The ban will remain in effect until local authorities determine that the drought conditions have improved. Violating the ban could result in fines and possible criminal charges.

Residents are urged to take precautions to prevent wildfires, as the dry and windy conditions make fires spread quickly. It is recommended to properly dispose of cigarette butts, avoid parking vehicles on dry grass, and refrain from using outdoor equipment that could spark a fire.

The ban is a necessary measure to protect both property and lives during this period of heightened fire risk. Authorities are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates as conditions change.