Come votare nelle elezioni presidenziali del Messico a Houston

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MEXICO CITY, Texas – Micaela Ortiz is among the thousands of Mexicans in the United States who couldn’t get home to vote in this weekend’s elections.

In 2018, she didn’t want to take any chances, so she went to the Mexican Consulate in Houston to vote.

“Mexicans in the United States should have a voice,” she said by telephone from Houston.

The problem is, Kingwood, Texas, is more than 800 miles away from Mexico City, where Mexico’s president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who won the last presidential election in 2018, is registered to vote.

“It’s very complicated. We need to find a way so that people can vote,” said Ortiz.

Encouraging Mexicans to go out and vote is nothing new, but the consular missions in recent years have taken it to a new level.

With Operation Polling Place, the Mexican consul will be bussed to people’s homes and communities so they can vote.

“We understand that we have to make an effort to facilitate it, so all Mexicans can express their vote,” said the consul in Houston.

It’s not about persuading people to vote, but giving them the tools and information so they can make an informed decision.